Starting in Reception

Starting with us

Whether your child starts with us at the beginning of their school learning journey in Nursery or Reception, or comes to us mid-year from another school we want them to be happy from the moment they set foot in the door.

We want to build a strong partnership with you so that together we can help develop your child’s confidence and build positive attitudes to learning from the outset.

We aim to make coming to Moreton Say School a happy and positive experience for each individual child. We do this by providing a safe, secure, happy and stimulating environment and by building warm relationships between our whole learning community.

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Starting school is a big step and some children settle into the new routine quicker than others. Many of our children attend our onsite nursery. Transition to school for them is seamless as they are already familiar with the building and the staff. It is not uncommon for children who usually attend other nurseries to use our nursery as a stepping-stone in the terms prior to them starting school, holding a joint placement with their other nursery and gradually increasing their days with us. We are happy to work with you and make a transition plan which works best for your child.

In the summer term before your child starts school in September, we organise a Transition package to familiarise parent and child with our school routines. We also issue a Transition Welcome pack. In this pack, your child will find a quality picture book, play doh, a whiteboard and pen, an All About Me sheet as well as other helpful transition informatiion to support your child as they prepare to join us.


Every parent receives a comprehensive induction pack. These packs include information about: uniform and school meals; how you can help prepare your child for school; how you can help them at home with their learning; a complimentary first reading book and some fun games to play with your child to support their early learning.

It is useful if your child can practise the following skills before they start school but don’t worry if they haven’t mastered them before they start with us:

  • Getting dressed and undressed
  • Taking off a coat and hanging it up
  • Fastening buttons and zips
  • Using the toilet properly and flushing it
  • Washing hands
  • Using a knife and fork
  • Tidying away toys/ sharing toys and taking turns
  • Looking after their own belongings

Below is a checklist and poster which you can download. The items on the checklist are there as suggestions. We do not expect your child to be able to do all these things before they come to us, but the checklist will give you ideas for some of the things you can work towards as you prepare your child for Reception class. 

Also, please enjoy our Transition Welcome videos below.

Your Child's First Day

We find that by the time children have gone through our induction process they are usually ready to start school. We will give them all the support they need to settle in happily. Miss Clarke will greet you daily and this enables an opportunity for you to discover how well your child is settling into school routines.

Files to Download