Computing 2022-2023

Curriculum Statement of Intent 2022-2023

Across the Addmore federation, we promote a curriculum and culture which encourages all our students to thrive as responsible, innovative, and creative digital citizens.  Careful thought has gone into our Computing curriculum; we ensure we model and educate our pupils to use technology creatively, positively and safely.

The content of the Computing curriculum across the AddMore Federation is split into the following areas: Programming, Creativity (beyond computing) and Applying ICT in Society & E-safety.

The children learn to create algorithms where they create a sequence of instructions to make ‘something happen’ as part of the ‘Programming’ Curriculum. As part of their creative use of IT, pupils interact with age-appropriate computer software for a range of purposes.  We equip our children with the knowledge and skills that enable them to become confident and competent when using a range of technology and equip pupils to use their computational thinking and creativity to solve problems.

The Curriculum allows for progression, and using careful monitoring and assessment, pupils build on skills that they accumulate as they move through school. We strive to embed computing skills across the broader curriculum; to make learning and the pupil’s use of ICT creative, accessible, and organic and to also give children the skills, confidence, and autonomy they need as they progress in their future learning.


Miss K. Archer – ICT Subject Lead

January 2022

Our ICT Curriculum, coverage of the National Curriculum, skills and knowledge and detailed progression document outling the steps in learning our pupils make to build their knowledge and skills in ICT is detailed in the downloadable documents listed at the bottom of this page.

Files to Download