Our Week W/C 7th February

We have already had a super busy week in Reception and its only Tuesday! The children have enjoyed maths this week and we have started looking at 3D shapes, as well as revisiting 2D shapes. The children were asked to categorise a number of shapes but their properties 2D and 3D. We then went on a shape hunt around school looking for 2D and 3D shapes. The children realised that shapes are absolutely everywhere.

In phonics this week we have been continuing to developing our Phase 3 sounds. The children have enjoyed painting tricky words on easel paper and going on a sound hunt. Today the children have been introduced to the trigraph 'ear'. We will be continuing to practise our recently learnt sounds 'oi', 'ur' and 'ow' throughout the week.

R.E this week was very artistic. We learnt about the festival of Holi that is coming up in March for lots of people around the world. The children learnt about this Hindu tradition and why it is important to the Hindu religion. Holi is the festival of colours, the children then used this theme to create some beautiful coloured art for our class display. I was so pleased with how unique and colourful they were.

For the rest of this week we will be focusing lots on the children's mental health for Mental Health Week. On Thursday the children will be baking pizza's decorated with an emotion that they are feeling at the moment. I look forward to making these with the children and photos of this will be uploaded next week. We will also be going outside in the Forest School Area to plant herbs in our new herb garden.

Well done as always Class 1.

Miss Clarke