Our Week - W/C 7th March 2022

We have had another fantastic and busy week in Reception. This week we have continued to embed our knowledge of number bonds to 10. The children have enjoyed playing with our number bond themed tuff tray this week. 

In Literacy we have started out new topic book 'The Pirates Are Coming', the children were so excited to have a visit from a pirate. They found large footprints in the classroom and sand. They also found a map! The children used their phonics knowledge to read the clues and Ezekiel found the treasure chest in the Forest School Area. The children found gold coins, shells, necklaces, glitter and a pirates flag and eye patch in the treasure. The children have enjoyed listing the items they found in the treasure chest as well as drawing and writing about items they treasure.

In R.E we have started looking at the Easter story and the children enjoyed watching the biblical story all about Easter.

This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from Layton Dykes who showed us his tractor and talked to the children all about farming. Thank you, Layton, for coming into school! This followed on nicely from our poetry literacy topic last week which was based on the poem The Farmyard by A. A. Attwood.

It's been another great week. A very well done Reception.

Miss Clarke and Mrs Dykes