Our Week - W/C 5th December 2022

This week we have been looking at The Animal Kingdom in science. We were lucky enough to have a visit from The Exotic Zoo on Wednesday afternoon. The children got to learn about the different animals and their habitats and they even to hold the stick insect, frog, lizards, snakes etc. The children had a great afternoon.

Our tuff trays have been super Christmassy this week. The children have enjoyed The Nativity tuff tray this week linked to our R.E topic. The children have also been practicing their numbers and phonics in provision as part of their next steps.

In maths this week we started our one-week topic on Geometry. The children in Year One have been looking at 3D shapes, whilst the children in Reception have been looking at 2D shapes. We talked about how 2D shapes at flat and how 3D shapes are solid.

In Phonics this week we have been recapping all learnt sounds.

A great week everyone.

Mrs Greenway and Mrs Dykes.