Our Week - W/C 31st October 2022

It has been lovely welcoming the children back after half term holidays. We started Monday off straight into phonics. Reception are moving through their Phase 2 phonics and have started writing CVC words. In the next couple of weeks we will be looking at developing caption writing. In Year One the children have been working through their Phase 5 Phonics looking at phoneme 'ue' in blue and yoo in rescue as well as 'ir' in bird and 'ie' in pie.

In maths we have been looking at the addition symbols and both year groups have been intruduced to 'Part Whole Models' the children have been using equipment to make a total number in their part whole model. The children have done some fantastic maths this week and have been challenged to write an addition number sentence to correspond with their part whole model.

In science we have been looking at the human body this week looking at both external and internal features. The childrens enthusiasm in science has been lovely. They were extremely eager to learn the parts of the body.

A great week back children.

Well done

Mrs Greenway and Mrs Dykes.