Our Week - W/C - 28th February 2022

Welcome back Class 1, Parents and Guardians ... We hope you have had a fantastic half term and that you have managed to enjoy time with loved ones and friends.

The children have settled straight back into routine after the holidays and we have already started our new poetry book called 'The Farmyard' by A.A Attwood. The aim of this small unit is to familiarise the children with poems, alliteration and rhyme, with the overal aim of writing their own sentences to be added to a class poem. The children have enjoyed looking at a video all about farming and thinking of rhyming words associated with different animals.

In Maths the children have been introduced to 'number bonds' or 'number pairs'. We have been looking at number bonds that make ten. The children enjoyed making number bonds to 10 with the Numicon and ten frames. Mrs Dykes and I are super impressed that the children have challenged themselves to write addition sentences to correspond with their number bonds. Well done Reception.

On Tuesday we discussed the importance of Pancake Day and how it is called 'Shrove Tuesday'. We talked about Lent, how to make pancakes and what toppings we might have on them. The children were super excited to eat pancakes and choose their toppings. A big thank you to the schools PTFA for organising this.

What a busy but fantastic week back in school Reception, Super Learning.

Miss Clarke and Mrs Dykes