Our Week - W/C 27th February 2023

Welcome Back Lawley... we hope you have had a lovely half term.

This week has already been jam packed. In English we have started our new topic book 'The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth' the children have enjoyed reading the opening of the story and making their predications on the book. On Monday we were excited that Mrs Dykes came running in to tell us she had found some dinosaur bones and fossils in the school Forest Area. We quickly went to explore them. We were all super excited and curious about where they had come from and why they were in our school grounds. We dug the bones and fossils up and took them back to class to add to our new role play 'Museum'. The children then went on to write about what we had found. Reception have been working on writing sentences independently with a capital letter, finger spaces and full stops, whilst Year One did the same but they were encouraged to use adjectives, connectives and suffixes within their writing.

In maths we are continuing Primary Stars Maths. In Year One we are looking at place value within 50 whilst Reception are consolidating numbers to 20 and looking at place value within 20. Reception have been looking at cardinal values and matching the amounts to the numbers and Year One have been using the deines equipment to represent numbers within 50 splitting them into tens and ones.

In Phonics we are recapping Phase 3 sounds in Reception and working through Phase 5 'Grow the Code' for Year One. 

In class we now have a new 'Challenge Area Zone' for the children to deepen their knowledge each week. The children have two weekly challenges to complete as well as having access to enhanced learning within provision. One of the weekly challenges is topic related either history, art, science, R.E or a fine motor skill based. The second challenge will be either english, maths or phonics based. These challenges allow the children to be independent learners and take ownership of their learning. When the children have completed their challenges they have a crib sheet to tick off so I can see who has completed these.

A great first week back Lawley. Well done.

Mrs Greenway and Mrs Dykes.