Our Week - W/C 21st March 2022

It has been lovely to be back all together this week :)

We have been busy bees as always! The children have enjoyed Literacy and this week we have been making 'warning' posters to warn people about pirates arriving following our topic book 'The Pirates are Coming'. In maths we have been consolidating numbers to 20, counting forwards and backwards and ordering our numbers in groups. The children have been focusing on 'subitising' which is where children are able to show how many are in a set without counting them. The children have been able to show subitising by using their 'fast fingers' to represent the amounts in a set. This week we have focusing on subitising to 10!

We have been lucky enough to have a visit this week from some First Aiders who have taught the children what to do in an emergency situation. The children engaged very well with this and gave some good examples of what they can do in different situations. The children left the session feeling confident about what to do in an emergency.

In science this week we will continue to look at floating and sinking and the children will continue to explore objects that float and sink. The children wil be making their own boats on Friday using materials that they think are the best for keeping their boat afloat. 

As always the children have enjoyed provision in class based on our topic 'Under the sea' as well as exploring tuff trays based on their interests. The children asked for a dinosaur tuff tray which we set up together.

Well done Reception for all your hard work this week.

Miss Clarke and Mrs Dykes.