Our Week - W/C - 17th January 2022

We are having another fantastic week in Reception. The children have enjoyed looking at our new topic book 'Lets All Creep Through Crocodile Creek'. The children have been thinking about journeys linked to the story and they have drawn a journey with a corresponding caption in Literacy. The children have also been looking at The Gruffolo and woodland habitats in Literacy. We have learnt about adjectives and the children enjoyed drawing The Gruffolo and writing adjectives to describe him.

In maths we have focused on weight looking at the mathematical language 'heavy', 'light', 'lighter', 'heavier' and 'balancing'. The children enjoyed practically weighing objects using the multilink. We have also been practicing our number formations to 20.

The children have been particularly excited this week for our R.E lesson. The children got to taste lots of chinese food linked to our Chinese New Year topic. The children enjoyed eating prawn toast, prawn crackers, noodles, egg fried rice, spring rolls. They even had a go at using chopsticks.

In Reception we would like to thanks Mrs Nicolson for coming into school to help create some art work for a school display. The children loved creating this art work and we are looking forward to seeing it up in the corridors :)

Another fantastic week. Well done Reception.

Miss Clarke