Our Week - Reception - W/C 13th June 2022

It has been another great week in Reception.

This week the children have been focusing on rhyming, alliteration and adjectives.They have used this knowledge this week to write some sentences based on our class topic poem called 'Eat Your Peas Louise!'. The children have written some lovely pieces towards our class poems based on lots of vegetables. We are super proud of the independent writing and extended sentences using the connective 'and'.

In maths we have been revisiting number bonds to 10 and we have been looking this week at part-whole models and partitioning numbers to make a whole. The children were brilliant at partitioning numbers to 10 and some were challenged to partition numbers beyond 10. The children used fantastic problem solving skills to do this.

At Forest School, the children enjoyed a shape and number hunt around the grounds. We discussed the shape names, their properties and we practiced identifying numbers in unit form and subitising. Reception worked with Nursery to support them.

A great week Class 1. Well done.

Miss Clarke and Mrs Dykes.