Our Week in Reception - W/C 6th June 2022

It has been a great first week back after half term. We started the week off with our school Jubliee and 150th birthday party. The children took part in a carousel of Queen themed activities and also produced some lovely writing for our school time capsule. In the afternoon we were lucky enough to have a whole school party with parent and carer visitors. The children enjoyed dancing, eating scones and seeing their families.

Our topic this term is 'At The Seaside'. The children have enjoyed exploring our beach themed tuff trays and provision. The children have also liked reading lots of topic books such as 'Tiddler' and 'The Tail of the Whale'.

We have started our Pathways to Poetry this week focusing on a book called 'Eat Your Peas Louise!' the children have enjoyed hunting for vegetables around the school grounds and then writing adjectives in groups to describe them. Over the next week children will be writing their own poem as a class linked to 'Eat Your Peas Louise!'.

In maths we have been revisiting the concept of doubling. The children have worked hard to find doubles and practised finding lady bird doubles. Children have been challenged to write number addition sentences linked to their doubles.

It has been a jam-packed week already, but you have all worked so hard as always.

Well done, Reception.

Miss Clarke and Mrs Dykes