Our Week in Reception - W/C 20th June 2022

We have had an incredibly busy week this week. Reception have made Mrs Dykes and I proud with their fantastic behaviour and expectations. Reception enjoyed a 'Move Up Day' on Wednesday to Year 1. They enjoyed spending time with Miss Jones and doing some lovely artwork.

In Literacy this week we have been writing invitations and predications linked to our new topic book 'The Seesaw'. The children have been working hard to develop their sentences with adjectives and connectives.

In Maths we have been consolidating numbers to 100. We have been counting to 100 and recognising the patterns within numbers. We practiced counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, and we looked at the patterns with these. Grace pointed out that when we count in 10s they all have a zero on the end and 100 has an extra 0. The children enjoyed counting around school this week and seeing how far we got around school whilst counting to 100. We nearly made it to the Forest School Area!!!

The children have had lots of phonics, maths and 'Under the Sea' provision out linked to our next steps and topic this week.

A brilliant week Reception. Well done all of you!

Miss Clarke and Mrs Dykes.