Nursery W/C 5/9/22

Welcome back to nursery everyone! 

We have had a lovely start to the Autumn term.

Our nursery children seem to be settling well into our new classroom. A big welcome to you all, including our new starters!

This week the children have begun their new Pathways to write literacy story which is, 'The Gingerbread man'.

We have created a role-play bakery within the nursery which the children have enjoyed exploring.

We had phonics fun creating 'silly soup' using objects beginning with the phoneme 's'.

In maths this week we have taken part in number rhymes and games using numbers up to 5. We also explored 2D shapes in the sand tray.

We were very lucky to receive some large pieces of bark this week from a parent and we had a great time creating rubbings using crayons in the mark-making area.

Best wishes, Mrs Butler and Mrs Arblaster