Nursery W/C 3/10/2022

In nursery this week we have been learning all about Autumn.

We have set up a tuff tray in provision which is full of leaves, munchkin pumpkins, straw, acorns, pine cones and conkers.

The children seem to have enjoyed exploring these items and investigating with magnifying glasses too.

We created a 'senses' tray for the children to explore seeds, ground cinnamon and ground ginger.

The children created marks using brushes in the spices to help develop their fine motor skills.

In maths this week we created repeating patterns using apples and pears. The children thought it was fun to create prints using paint.

In literacy the children showed high levels of interest as we re-told the story of the gingerbread man on the whiteboard.

The children all took part in sequencing the story too using large photocopies from the book. The children communicated well with each other- Good team-work Ercall!

Best wishes, Mrs Butler and Mrs Arblaster