Nursery W/C 28th March

We are enjoying the spring sunshine in Nursery this week.

We have been for a 'listening walk' around the school site.

The children used their listening and communication skills during our walk to describe everything they could see or hear! Well done Nursery!

We have been busy learning our spring song ready for the Easter service in Church next week- We are all looking forward to seeing you there.

During our maths sessions this week we have been counting eggs.

In  provision we also set up a tuff tray with numbered eggs and tweezers to encourage the children to match the numeral to the correct amount of eggs. 

During our literacy sessions, our activities have been based upon the story, 'The pirates are coming'.

This week we have been creating pirate ships using junk modelling materials.

We are looking forward to our 'oral health day' on Friday 1st April where the children may attend wearing pyjamas and bring their toothbrushes into school.

We will be reading stories and teaching the children all about the importance of caring for our teeth which is encouraged within the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance which we follow.

This Friday the children enjoyed a fun filled 'Pyjama Day' with the opportunity for them to learn about brushing their teeth. With Reception we discussed the importance of brushing our teeth as well as how to do it. The children then went into the bathroom to put this into practice and they all brushed their teeth independently for 2 minutes. Well Done Nursery.

Best wishes, Mrs Butler and Mrs Arblaster.