Nursery w/c 28/2/22

Welcome back to nursery everyone, we hope you had a wonderful half-term.

We are enjoying a busy week in nursery with many pirate themed activities.

Our new pathways to write topic book is, 'The pirates are coming'.

The children seem to be engaging really well with the new theme.

We have been on treasure hunts this week, finding gold coins in the sand, painting pirate faces and exploring our beach cafe role-play area.

Tuesday 1st March was pancake day/Shrove Tuesday- The nursery children made playdough pancakes and our maths activitiy was counting how many flips we could do! The PTA also made pancakes for our children to decorate and then enjoy eating- thank you!

Thursday 3rd March is world book day- We read lots of stories with the children and encouraged them them to become storytellers themselves during small group time.

We have also added a photograph of our trip to crocodile creek which took place on the last day of spring half-term.

Best wishes, Mrs Butler and Mrs Arblaster.