Ercall w/c 2nd October

This week in nursery we have been exploring all things autumn.

We have been comparing the shapes of autumn leaves and watching as they change colour.

We enjoyed an autumn listening walk; we heard the birds singing, the trucks, an aeroplane and children singing.

We have taken part in many oral blending games and enjoyed singing and rhymes too. Well done Ercall!

In maths we have been using the language of size to discuss objects in the story 'Goldilocks and the three bears'.

We have also been making playdough with the children and they are beginning to remember the recipe and cooking method now! 

We are enjoying our topic 'Peace at last' and the children have been retelling the story within their play, which is fantastic!

A wonderful week, well done all of you!

Best Wishes, Mrs Butler and the nursery team