Ercall W/C 29/01

Our nursery children have had a wonderful week, it is really lovely to see them all so happy and engaged in their learning.

During our phonics sessions we have been focusing upon the initial sound 'o' for octopus, ostrich, otter and orange. We had to rewind a little and teach the children what some of these animals are (Ostrich and Otter) to begin with.

We have been painting and then counting penguin footprints during our maths sessions. The children have done really well and are beginning to count in 1:1 correspondence. 

We explored ice in provision, linking to our literacy topic, 'We are going to find the monster'.

Later during the week we used duplo bricks to build model boats which we then trialled to see if they floated on water.

In our topic books we have all been designing our own jungle, mountains and ocean- super language was used to describe their designs. 

Well done Ercall!

Best wishes, Mrs Butler and the nursery team.