Ercall W/C 22nd January 2024

Welcome to our nursery news; We are all enjoying our week in nursery.

During our phonics session Bertha Bus has been searching for objects beginning with the sound, 'g' such as grapes, girl, glue, glasses and goat.

Together we have been blending sounds together through games to create cvc words.

In our role-play area we have created a Chinese Restaurant to help the children develop understanding of Chinese New Year and culture. We have also been practicing Chinese symbol writing! Well done Nursery!

We have enjoyed 'penguin dancing' and winter stories in nursery this week, developing our understanding of the seasons.

Our literacy topic is 'We're going to find the monster', so this week in provision we have been exploring sea creatures in the 'shimmering ocean', jungle animals in the tuff trays and creatures in the sensory rice tray. We also created tiger masks which links to our topic and used our homemade playdough to make monsters!

Best wishes, Mrs Butler and the nursery team.